April 14, 2015

Family outing

It's getting warm in Cambridge! Lovely weather for outing and picnic and everything else! 劍橋的天氣回暖了,適合出門踏青、野餐和做好多好多其他事的季節!

April 9, 2015

A taste of spring

I saw these little bees flying in and out of the flowering shrubs on campus of Anglia Ruskin University and I think they must know how to make a taste of the spring! (And I could see some of them already filled their pollen baskets on their legs but some hadn't!) 

在學校裡面看到小蜜蜂在花裡面很忙的飛來飛去 (很可愛因為可以看到有的蜜蜂腳上的花粉籃已經裝滿了,有的還沒),我想他們一定知道怎麼品嚐春天的滋味!我覺得生命真的很美好。